Two Women Leading the Florida Native Plants Movement – With Laurel & Annie Schiller of Florida Native Plants Nursery | Episode 065

Most Floridians have heard of the invasive Burmese python ravaging the Everglades’ wildlife. And most have also heard of the Pacific Lionfish eating much of our native fish in the Florida Keys.

But what about the invasive plants creating havoc on our ecology?

One local nursery is fighting the good fight to replace invading species with native plants that help heal rather than harm our environment.

My guests today are Laurel & Annie Schiller – a mother-daughter team who own and run the Florida Native Plants Nursery.

In today’s episode, you’ll learn …

  • One thing most people don’t know about the Schillers
  • The negative impact of invasive plant species and how replacing them with native species help local wildlife
  • How the Schillers consult with homeowners to turn their yards into a natural haven for birds, butterflies
  • … and much much more!

Thank you for stopping by today and remember to listen … learn… and connect!


